In the pen: Eng. Md. Sirajul Isl
O Allah, You are Rahim, Rahman, Salam
Your servant obeys the Qur’an and Hadith.
You did not give pearls to all oysters
You did not do all the red stones!
How will all your servants be honest
You didn’t show everyone the way,
You have given thousands of religions to the world
You put Islam at the top of all!
Someone is lucky, sent to the house of a Muslim
The rest of the thousands of religions, what to say to them,
So many billions of people are drowning in the ocean of religion
Hundreds die of stomach hunger, sleepless food gathering!
Eighty percent of the food you gave, twenty percent of the people
Most in the distribution of food, eighty percent die of generous fire,
You have created a life in the name of women, their hands and feet are tied
One person’s income in a family, the family runs half!
You said that you are on the bottom of the one who has no one
How to worship the hungry, the weak, the oppressed
You are immortal, soulless, not born in anyone’s house
People of other religions except Islam, rule the world!
Your light, your air, your sustenance
Thumbs up at your Muslim feet,
Your Islam Parshamani does not mean Kavu Tara
No respect after Islam, one point, one ‘rust’!
The leaves of the tree do not move, except at your command
How Hasan Hossain dies by unscrupulous Bedeen,
The Prophet’s family is destroyed! Except the Muslim leader
Shia Sunni, Kurdish Qadiani, hundreds of stars!
Don’t give knowledge, your Muslims, hate violence
A small one, divorce fatwa, life is its end,
Your disobedient non-Muslim can take the world in an hour
Moon, Mars, Sun and today under their feet!
Muslim, you are very happy, with four wives at home
Others make drone missiles, marry their knowledge,
Believe, O God, who are traders of religion
Your Islam will answer itself.