শনিবার, ১৯ অক্টোবর ২০২৪, ১০:৪৮ অপরাহ্ন
স্বৈরাচারী শেখ হাসিনাকে বাংলার মাটিতে এনে বিচার করা হবে-আ: কাদির ভুঁইয়া জুয়েল কবিতা: প্রথম যৌবন লালমনিরহাটের মাঠ জুড়ে শোভা পাচ্ছে সোনালী ধানের শীষ কবিতা: নতুন ভোরের আলোয় সিংড়ায় গণ অধিকার পরিষদের প্রতিনিধি সভায় ছাত্র অধিকার পরিষদের কমিটি গঠন সংবাদকর্মীর দোকানে তালা, থানায় লিখিত অভিযোগ দায়ের সুনামগঞ্জ সীমান্তের ইয়াবা সম্রাট ইয়াকুল কর্তৃক নাগরিক টিভির প্রতিনিধির বিরুদ্ধে দায়েরকৃত মিথ্যা মামলা প্রত্যাহারের দাবীতে মানববন্ধন মধ্যনগরে চামরদানী ইউনিয়ন যুবলীগের সাবেক সভাপতি গ্রেফতার কবিতা- নীরব সম্মতি ডুমুরিয়ায় নদীর উপকূলে বেড়িবাঁধ ভেঙে ১০ গ্রাম প্লাবিত হওয়ার আশঙ্কা, গ্রামবাসীর স্বেচ্ছাশ্রমে চলছে মেরামত কাজ

Muslim world, the poor of the world!

Coder Boss
  • Update Time : বুধবার, ২ অক্টোবর, ২০২৪
  • ২০ Time View

Author: Eng. Md. Sirajul Islam.

“Nasrullah”, the head of Lebanon’s Hezbollah armed forces, has left the world, who has been carrying out this difficult task efficiently since 1992 until his death on September 27! Only God can tell when he is 64 years old and sleeps comfortably. Made four hundred thousand warriors who were the suicide squad! In 2006, Israel went to a ceasefire with Hezbollah through the United Nations!
Israel killed the head of the Palestinian resistance group Hamas “Ismail Haniyeh” in a surprise attack in Tehran just a month ago! He also left the world at the age of 61. He could not see the independent Palestinian state. Successful Israel and its master the United States! 163 countries have voted in support of the independent Palestinian state among the 193 members of the United Nations, there has been a student movement around the world! Even though the world has a single majority, America has not accepted it! Bangladesh’s blasphemous political parties, like America and never arranged any public Prayer for the Palestinians death soul fear of America, Americs is called a god, Palestine does not say, this is their crime! They mean one god or God!

A total of 56 Muslim countries in the world, one Jewish country has been bathing in the blood of Muslims for long 70 years, no one has time to express their grief. In all the countries of South Asia, mosques and madrassas are scattered, there is no shortage of beards, hats and long clothes, the killing of millions of Palestinians, the death of Nasrullah Hania, no mosque in our country prayed! When we call such spineless Muslims so-called Islami, we become atheistic infidels!
24 Muslim countries around Israel, no one takes soundly breath against Israel!
The war is going on in Gaza and South Lebanon, terrorist air attacks are happening in populated areas, innocent people can’t escape and save their lives! Israel airstrikes Houthi rebels military base in Yemen, demolishes headquarters in Lebanon and Yemen!

Dear readers, to unite a divided nation lying on the road 70 years ago, “Harry True Man” settles the scattered Jewish people who survived Hitler’s genocide in the fallen wastelands of Palestine! The guest of Palestine is now on the way to destroy the whole of Palestine with the support of America! Despite the occupation, many settlements have been destroyed in Gaza! It was in 1948 that the United States and the United Nations recognized Israel and helped them to gain national status, but Palestine still did not get national status.

Jews are descendants of Prophet Moses, Jerusalem Prophet Moses survived Egypt Pharaoh and planted here! A total of 892 Nobel laureates in the world today, 200 of them are Jews! The total number of Jews in the world is only one and a half million! Muslims 200 million! In their country (Israel) men and women two years of military training is mandatory!
World civilization started with Muslims, Egyptian civilization, Babylon civilization, Indus civilization! The father of the discovery of math chemistry is Muslim, there is no Muslim in the world who has not heard the name “Ibn Sinar”What is the education in our country today? The British have built a madrasa at the cost of 38 million rupees through India’s Deoband Maulana “Abul Kashem Sahib”. Science and women’s education are not being produced under the haram fatwa. Although the last government (S k Hasina) in these madrasas arranged the Qaumi Mother, but the discussion with Maulana Shafi Sahib and he also accepted some of the subjects added to the madrasa textbooks, such as science, history, geography, Bengali, English (optional)! He did not give a hand to this work, but he gave the status of the Qaumi Madrasa Maulana side to the master’s side. A university teacher said that Dhaka University is now the biggest madrasa because of the number admission system, the madrasa students sassily obtain highest number and thats enough of their students get the opportunity to get admission in the university, which ordinary college students cannot carry so many numbers!

Israel’s intelligence agency is second only to the American CIA after the Jews in the world
“Mossad” who are responsible for the incident in Asia!
They know what’s going to happen in the world six months in advance
Feels where the Bangladesh intelligence agency after the fall of the government knows Gulshan in which hotel the meeting was held!
Most of the world’s largest corporations have Jewish CEOs.
Hollywood’s producer from the satellite scientist Jews! World famous scientist Einstein was Jewish! In 1971, Bangladesh Independence Joint Forces East Sector Field Commander Major General Jacob was a Jew who was present at Niazi’s surrender ceremony at the Race course!
Muslims have used atheistic weapons to stop the progress of the country’s progressives writers poets literary men!
They quarreled Shia Sunni, Qadiani Wahhabi reading the same Quran among own!
Muslims are busy fighting for 31 different openioned of their own religion group and chaining women’s legs with in their own house and prescribing four wives (Halal) legal for one man, fate was to deprive women of sunlight, taking out only two eyes and imprisoning a 7/8-year-old child in a cage, but even then that woman (child) did not even open the accounts of her sins at the Angeles, ordered by God who write the good and bad for the adults ! Even they are not adult they are covered by clothes !

Live well, stay healthy, love your country. Notice the decline of Islam and become Muslims of the Quran where Islam is not a Muslim! Israel is not a god, our god is a god (Allah)!

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