রবিবার, ২০ অক্টোবর ২০২৪, ০৭:২৫ পূর্বাহ্ন

Two poems of poet Byengo Cheol Kang Country: South Korea

Coder Boss
  • Update Time : বৃহস্পতিবার, ১২ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০২৪
  • ১৬৮ Time View

2. If the Ocean Were Calm

It would be nice if the ocean were calm,
but if it is still for too long, it may kill sea creatures.
Even if waves are paradoxical, life is full of paradoxes too.
If everything goes easily, we won’t have anything to learn.

As we age, our classmates drift away,
and I feel like I’m just coasting through life.
We want to share the good times,
but avoid the tough ones.
Yet, life is always a process of learning.

Avoiding pain doesn’t teach us anything,
but overcoming it does make us realize something.
Diamonds are made under pressure.
The greatest glory comes from pain.

Listen to the lessons of those wise people who have gone before us,
and ask myself in a whisper,
Are you a meek creature who succumbs to pain,
or a victorious human who overcomes it?

Just as stars cannot shine without darkness,
brilliant black pearls always overcome pain.

2. Sounds of Bamboo Forest

No matter how strong the wind blows,
the green forest never crumbles.
When the wind passes by,
the green forest stands tall and proud,
inspiring admiration.

The sounds of bamboo forest,
echo through the trees,
whispers of wisdom and peace,
carried on the gentle breeze.

A symphony of rustling leaves,
Soft words win hard hearts,
a melody of harmony,
ringing in the bamboo forest glen.

So let the forest speak to you,
let its wisdom guide your way,
listen to the sounds of bamboo,
and find peace in each passing day.

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